WhoisGuard Protection, Free Url Forwarding, Free Email Forwarding, Free Featured DNS Services, Free Full Domain Control
Free Blogger Custom Domain, Free Domain Theft, Free Register Lock
At First Check your Domain Name
.COM Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 14.03 (Yearly) |
.NET Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 15.83 (Yearly) |
.ORG Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 15.95 (Yearly) |
.INFO Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 25.91 (Yearly) |
.BIZ Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 20.39 (Yearly) |
.ME Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 35.27 (1st Year) |
.CO Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 31.55 (1st Year) |
.TECH Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 59.19 (Yearly) |
.XYZ Min 1 Year |
Yes | USD 15.23 (Yearly) |
.com.bd | .net.bd | .org.bd | .edu.bd | .gov.bd |
TK 2950/- (2 Years) | TK 2950/- (2 Years) | TK 2950/- (2 Years) | TK 2950/- (2 Years) | TK 2950/- (2 Years) |
BD, is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Bangladesh. It is administered by the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications of Bangladesh by BTCL (Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board).
Any person or organization from all over the world can apply for .BD domain registration. It takes 4-5 working days to active the domain after submitting order. .BD domain needs to be registered for two years and renewable for further periods of one year. It is a great opportunity to share your thinking by registering yourself for a .BD domain name. .BD Domain Any person / organization from all over the world can apply for registration of domain with .BD and it takes 5 working days to active the domain upon submitting order. .BD Domain can be registered initially for one year and subsequently renewable for further periods of one year. We encourage to submit order for minimum 2 years.
Datasoftbd.com provide cheap cost domain reseller with free domain reseller panel. We have experience for 9 years. Our average fund added time 10 mins. You can start your domain business with us.
Used $10 | Used $50 | Used $760 | Used $1425 | |
.COM | Tk 899 / $11.24 | Tk 869 / $10.86 | Tk 839 / $10.5 | Tk 799 / $9.99 |
.INFO | Tk 899 / $11.24 | Tk 869 / $10.86 | Tk 839 / $10.5 | Tk 799 / $9.99 |
.ORG | Tk 899 / $11.24 | Tk 869 / $10.86 | Tk 839 / $10.5 | Tk 799 / $9.99 |
.NET | Tk 999 / $12.50 | Tk 969 / $12.13 | Tk 939 / $11.74 | Tk 899 / $11.24 |
.BIZ | Tk 1145 / $14.31 | Tk 1110 / $13.88 | Tk 1087 / $13.58 | Tk 1055 / $13.18 |
.XYZ | Tk 1120 / $14.0 | Tk 1100 / $13.75 | Tk 1060 / $13.25 | Tk 1040 / $13 |
.ASIA | Tk 1340 / $16.75 | Tk 1299 / $16.23 | Tk 1259 / $15.73 | Tk 1219 / $15.23 |
.TV | Tk 2940 / $36.75 | Tk 2760 / $34.5 | Tk 2680 / $33.5 | Tk 2640 / $33 |
.TOP | Tk 1020 /$12.75 | Tk 980 / 12.25 | Tk 900 / $11.75 | 920 Tk / $11.50 |
Sign Up | Sign Up | Sign Up | Sign Up |
■ আপনি কি ডোমেইন বিক্রি করেন?
■ আপনার প্রোভাইডারের সাপোর্টে আপনি বিরক্ত?
■ ডোমেইন প্রাইস বেশি, চীপ প্রাইসে এবং দ্রুত সাপোর্ট খুজছেন?
■ সকালে টাকা দিয়েছেন সন্ধ্যায়ও ডোমেইন ফান্ড পান নাই?
■ ফান্ড পান কিন্তু ডোমেইন রেজিষ্ট্রেশন প্রায়ই হয় না?
■ ডোমেইন রিসেলার প্রোভাইড করেন?
অজানা কিছু প্রশ্নঃ
☞ কতদিন থেকে আপনার এই সার্ভিস দিচ্ছেন?
উত্তরঃ আমরা ২০১০ সাল থেকে এই সার্ভিস সুনামের সাথে এই সার্ভিস দিয়ে আসছি।
☞ ডোমেইন রিসেলার প্যানেল কোনটা দেন?
উত্তরঃ আমরা দেই লজিকবক্স-এর প্যানেল যা বাংলাদেশের অধিকাংশ ডোমেইন রিসেলাররা দেয়। রিসেল বিজ, রিসেলার ক্লাব সহ অসংখ্য ডোমেইন প্রোভাইডাররা এই প্যানেল ব্যাবহার করে থাকেন।
☞ রিসেলার নিতে কোন ফি লাগবে কি না?
উত্তরঃ রিসেলার নিতে কোন ফিস লাগে না।
☞ ডোমেইনের ফুল কন্টোল প্যানেল পাব কি না।
উত্তরঃ অবশ্যই পাবেন। আমরা যে সকল সুবিধা পাই সব সুবিধা আপনিও পাবেন।
☞ রিনিউ ক্ষেত্রেও কি সেম প্রাইস?
উত্তরঃ ইয়েস, রিসেলারের স্ল্যাবে যে প্রাইস দেয়া সেই প্রাইসই সবসময় থাকবে। স্ল্যাব সিস্টেম ডোমেইন রিসেলার প্যানেলে ঢুকে দেখতে পারবেন।
☞ ডোমেইনের টাকা দেয়ার কতক্ষণের মধ্যে ডোমেইন ফান্ড পাব?
উত্তরঃ আপনি যদি আমাদের প্যানেল থেকে ফান্ড লোড দেন হলে ১০ মিনিটও লাগবে না। আর মেনুয়ালী পাঠালে ৩০ মিনিট থেকে ৬০ মিনিটের মত সময় লাগবে।
☞ আপনাদেরকে টাকা পাঠানোর কি কি অপশন আছে?
উত্তরঃ বিকাশ, রিকেট, এজেন্ট ব্যাংকিং, নেক্সাস পে, ডাচ বাংলা ব্যাংক, ব্রাক ব্যাংক এবং ক্যাশ।
When you search for cheap domain and hosting in Bangladesh – you definitely got Hosting Bangladesh as right provider. We provide unbeatable blend of affordable price
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Get started in less than 60 seconds. Pick a plan below to sign up!
Get started in less than 60 seconds. Pick a plan below to sign up!
Datasoftbd.com is the Best Web Hosting company in Bangladesh for over 9 years old. We are used USA and Russia base powerful linux dedicated web server. We always try to provide our clients the best web hosting and instantly support for any kinds of hosting and domain related problems. Hope that you will get better service from us.
We are provide cheap Domain Name Registration, Reseller Domain Name Registration, Web Hosting, News Paper Hosting, Reseller web hosting, VPS hosting and Dedicated Server. Our price is affordable with great service and 100% client satisfaction and Moneyback Guaranty.
Datasoftbd.com is the Best Web Hosting company in Bangladesh for over 9 years old. We are used USA and Russia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, England base powerful linux dedicated web server. We always try to provide our clients the best web hosting and instantly support for any kinds of hosting and domain related problems. Hope that you will get better service from us.
We are provide cheap Domain Name Registration, Reseller Domain Name Registration, Web Hosting, News Paper Hosting, Reseller web hosting, VPS hosting and Dedicated Server. Our price is affordable with great service and 100% client satisfaction and Moneyback Guaranty.
Get started in less than 60 seconds. Pick a plan below to sign up!
Get started in less than 60 seconds. Pick a plan below to sign up!
Get started in less than 60 seconds. Pick a plan below to sign up!
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Datasoftbd.com is the Best Web Hosting company in Bangladesh for over 9 years old. We are used USA and Russia base powerful linux dedicated web server. We always try to provide our clients the best web hosting and instantly support for any kinds of hosting and domain related problems. Hope that you will get better service from us.
We are provide Un-Managed VPS server. Our VPS nodes is equipped with a minimum 32-64 GB DDR3 ECC RAM and utilize RAID Disk Technologies to provide a reliable and stable VPS Hosting environment. Our servers have Hyper Threading thanks to the Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-E5 processors that are in operation.
quality and support which is second to none in Bangladesh.
1200 TK/mo
1 Year purchase2200 TK/mo
1 Year purchase4450 TK/mo
1 Year purchase5999 TK/mo
1 Year purchasecPanel @ $24.99 || Plesk renews @ $9.79 || Dedicated IP @ $3.50 || Managed Services @ $100/mo | Additional Storage in US | Acronis Backup @ $0.5/GB/mo
Datasoftbd.com is the Best Web Hosting company in Bangladesh for over 9 years old. We are used USA and Russia base powerful linux dedicated web server. We always try to provide our clients the best web hosting and instantly support for any kinds of hosting and domain related problems. Hope that you will get better service from us.
We are offer high configure virtualization base KVM pure SSD VPS hosting with fully management free! All VPS processor is Intel Xeon E5. Select the VPS that has the best features for your needs now and benefit from the high quality and performance of our powerful VPS hosting solutions. DDoS protection included, free of charge.
Datasoftbd.com is the Best Web Hosting company in Bangladesh for over 9 years old. We are used USA base powerful Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). We always try to provide our clients the best web hosting and instantly support for any kinds of hosting and domain related problems. Hope that you will get better service from us.
We are provide Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Our Windows VPS nodes is equipped with a minimum 32-128 GB DDR3 ECC RAM and utilize RAID-10 Disk Technologies to provide a reliable and stable Windows VPS Hosting environment. Our servers have Hyper Threading thanks to the Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU processors that are in operation.
RAM | CPU | Storage | Port | Bandwidth | IP | Location | Price | |
2 GB RAM | 2×3.5 GHz | 80 GB HDD | 100 Mbps | 1000 GB | 01 | Buffalo, USA | 1200 Tk/m. | |
4 GB RAM | 2×3.5 GHz | 160 GB HDD | 100 Mbps | 2000 GB | 01 | Buffalo, USA | 1900 Tk/m. |
Static Site, Dynamic Site, E-commerce, News Portal
Our Ready Products Information and some very need software which will be install after windows setup.
This are Our Ready Products
Our Team Always Ready to solve client Requirement.
For Our Client we provided very need software which will be install after windows setup
This are Our Ready Products
Our Team Always Ready to solve client Requirement.
It's a Pharmacy Management Software,
Purchase, Sales, Customer Ledger.
Stock Report with Exp Date
Stock Report Catagory,
Daily Sales Report, Stock Remainder, Company Ledger, Check Ledger, Daily Balance Sheet, Doctor Commission, SalesMan Commisson, Vat
and Many Fetures....
It's a Chicken Production form Egg Management Software,
Collect Egg, Egg Distribution, Chicken Sales, Customer Ledger.
Stock Report Egg by Shade, by Chicken,
Stock Report Catagory,
Production Percentage Report, Stock Remainder, Company Ledger, Check Ledger, Daily Balance Sheet and Many Fetures....
It's a Poultry Feed Manufacturer Management Software,
Collect Raw Materials Report, Raw Material Stock Report, Ready Products Report, Ready Products Ratings, Customer Ledger.
Stock Report Catagory,
Production Percentage Report, Stock Remainder, Company Ledger, Check Ledger, Daily Balance Sheet and Many Fetures....
For Our Client we provided very need software which will be install after windows setup
(N.B- Our Software Requerment: Minimum Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, Office 2010, Bijoy 2011 for Bangla software, Install Needed Fonts, Team Viewer, Any desk) .
We Have Bulk SMS System/Services For Corporate Customer. If You Want, You Can Make SMS Marketing For Your Company By DatasoftBD.
For More Contact With Our Sales Team By Mail Or Mobile/Hotline....
Non Masking SMS Package |
Masking SMS Package |
Domain-Hosting, Web Design-Development, Desktop-Web Application etc work's if necessary
please contact us.